Benefits of Rhinoplasty San Antonio

Rhinoplasty surgery can make a dramatic difference in a patient's life. Our noses are one of the most defining features of our faces, and one of the first features that others notice about us. If you are dissatisfied with the shape or size of your nose, rhinoplasty is a great plastic surgery to consider. It can also help you to breathe better if you suffer with a deviated septum. Dr. Constance Barone is a skilled plastic surgeon with years of experience giving patients the nose shape they have always wanted. If you have questions about the risks and benefits of rhinoplasty, contact Dr. Barone's San Antonio surgical facility. She will answer all of your questions during a personal consultation.

A closeup view of the lower half of a beautiful, young woman's jawline and small nose.
Rhinoplasty can improve the symmetry between your facial features.

Rhinoplasty Candidacy

Rhinoplasty candidates are patients who are unhappy with the size or shape of their noses, and want a permanent solution. Rhinoplasty is one of few plastic surgery treatments performed on patients younger than 18, as many children experience bullying or extreme self consciousness because of their noses. Girls must be at least 14 years of age, while boys must be at least 15 years of age to receive rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty can enlarge or reduce the size of your nose, alter the bridge or tip, correct structural deformities that make breathing difficult, and adjust the size and shape of the nostrils. During your consultation, Dr. Barone will discuss whether the aesthetic imperfections you notice can be corrected with surgery. She will also help you understand the cost of your rhinoplasty.

What Are the Risks of Rhinoplasty?

When deciding to receive rhinoplasty, you should be sure to select a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience and an excellent reputation. By choosing a skilled surgeon like Dr. Barone, you reduce the risks of surgery. Common risks associated with this treatment include:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Changed sensation in the nose or feelings of numbness
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • Regular nosebleeds following surgery
  • Skin discoloration
  • Unfavorable scarring
  • Infection

While rare, these serious risks should be strongly considered before you or your child undergoes rhinoplasty. Dr. Barone takes many careful measures to minimize the risks associated with surgery.

What Are the Benefits of Rhinoplasty?

Depending upon your aesthetic goals, rhinoplasty can fine tune slight imperfections or correct more obvious aesthetic issues. In addition to improving your appearance and your self-confidence, rhinoplasty can actually improve your health by helping you to breathe easier. Other benefits of rhinoplasty include:

  • Correction of a broken or otherwise injured nose
  • Increased confidence in your appearance
  • Straightening of the nasal bridge for patients with a hooked or curved bridge
  • Improved proportion between the nose and other facial features

For some patients, rhinoplasty surgery can be a life-changing experience, helping them to feel more confident and enjoy an improved quality of life. 

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you are considering rhinoplasty surgery, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Barone today. During your consultation, Dr. Barone can take careful note of your unique goals and help you determine whether rhinoplasty is the right choice for you.

Dr. Constance Barone

Dr. Constance Barone

Dr. Constance Barone in San Antonio, TX, and her team pride themselves in delivering safe, compassionate care tailored to your individual needs. She has been voted one of the Top Plastic Surgeons in America and her professional affiliations include:

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American College of Surgeons
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

To schedule a consultation and learn more about how Dr. Barone can help you achieve your aesthetic goals, contact our office online, or call (210) 614-0400.

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"Rating our experience with a perfect score is not enough. The care and attention we received from Dr. Barone and her team was as close to perfection as one can ask for." Jacqueline W.

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